The project envisages improving student outcomes in the selected States and the governance of school education in India. The targeted beneficiaries of the project are the children from the age of 3 to 18 years (pre-school to class Xll), Teachers and Educational institutions. STARS focuses on two major areas: a national component and a state component with five subcomponents:
National Component: At the national level, STARS will support the MoE to strengthen national data systems to capture robust and authentic data on retention, transition and completion rates. Through State Incentive Grants (SIGs) states are Incentivized and supported to achieve Disbursement Linked Indicators. STARS will also provide multi-year support to India’s participation in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). National Achievement Survey (NAS) is also being supported by STARS National Component.
STARS will support the establishing the National Assessment Centre (PARAKH). A National Assessment Centre, PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development) to be set up as a standard-setting body for all recognized school boards, as mandated by the NEP 2020.
State Component: The states are being supported through State Incentive Grants (as per the SIG Manual) with a focus on the following Areas:
1. Strengthening Early Years Education:
- Developmentally appropriate curriculum supported by standardized Teaching Learning Material (TLM).
- Parental engagement strategies about the importance of ECE and foundational learning as expressed in NEP Para no- 1.3.
- Capacity development for improving the age appropriate life skills in children for adaptive and positive behavior.
2. Improving State Learning Assessment systems:
- Setting up Assessment Cell/ Centre in each state.
- Developing online item banks, online labs, games, hackathons etc. (NEP Para no-24.4 )
- Crowd sourcing of ideas to build online knowledge banks like Wikipedia, GitHub, Stackexchange etc.
- Development of a tracking system for all students.(NEP Para 3.3)
- Use of technologies like Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to enhance learning experience [NEP Para no-24.4 (d)].
- Undertaking Examination Reforms through an external review of Grades 10 and 12 examinations of the School Education Boards to make them more competencies based.
3. Strengthen classroom instruction and remediation through teacher development and school leadership:
- Developing ICT-enabled approaches to improve Education Management. (Para 23.5 & 24.1 of NEP 2020)
- Assessing digital competencies of teachers and teacher educators [NEP Para 24.4(g)].
- Strengthening learning enhancement strategies as per state context based on identification of gaps in learning outcomes.(NEP 2020 Para no-4.6)
- Considering the recent rise in epidemics, developing alternative modes of quality education, leveraging the advantages of technology, optimizing the existing digital platforms and ongoing ICT-based education initiatives as emphasised in NEP 2020 Para no- 24.1
- For the post Covid-19 scenario, framework will be developed for small group/peer learning, alternative school learning, bridge courses and out of class room learning for improving learning outcomes.
4. Governance and Decentralized Management for Improved Service Delivery:
- Effective Teacher Management through use of technology to ensure transparency in teacher’s recruitment, deployment and assessment as mentioned in NEP Chapter no 5.
- Development of a National overarching framework and incentivising states for partnership with non-state actors through various models,/li>
- Strengthening of Education Management Information Systems at various levels (NEP Para no 23.5).
- Developing a communication and branding plan for the public education system in states.
- Development of framework and models for participation of Community and Panchayati Raj Institutions in School Management and enhancement of academics
5. School to work transition strategies:
- Training on Soft Skills and STEM/STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) related skills including AI, Coding & Robotics (NEP Para no 4.24 & 4.25).
- Well-designed provision of career guidance and counselling.
- Using Technology to gauge students’ aptitude, personality and interests.
- Enhancing entrepreneurship with on the job experience through internships and developing tie-ups for apprenticeships. For children enrolled in vocational education, the community could provide valuable opportunities for a first level exposure to the world of work.
- Skill development opportunities to Out of school children at secondary stage.
- Development of framework and models for participation of Self-help Groups and use their knowledge and skills in strengthening vocational education and other activities to enhance learning and life skills.