Notification dated 10.9.2012 Granting relaxation to the state of Uttar Pradesh section 23 of the Right of Children to Free & Compulsory Education
Notification dated 10.9.2012 Granting relaxation to the state of Uttar Pradesh section 23 of the Right of Children to Free & Compulsory Education (बृहस्पतिवार, सितम्बर 13, 2012 - 14:50) - (633.62 किलोबाइट)
Notification dtd 25/7/12 regarding enforcement of the Right of children to free & compulsory Education(Amendment) Act,2012 from 1.8.2012
Notification dtd 25/7/12 regarding enforcement of the Right of children to free & compulsory Education(Amendment) Act,2012 from 1.8.2012 (बुधवार, जुलाई 25, 2012 - 15:02) - (96.53 किलोबाइट)
Notification dated 19.7.2012 of Section 2(d) and 2(e) of the RTE Act in r/o the UT of Daman & Diu
Notification dated 19.7.2012 of Section 2(d) and 2(e) of the RTE Act in r/o the UT of Daman & Diu (बृहस्पतिवार, जुलाई 19, 2012 - 15:03) - (426.64 किलोबाइट)
Guidelines dated 13.7.2012 issued under section 35(1) of the Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education(RTE) Act 2009 in respect of Residential schools
Guidelines dated 13.7.2012 issued under section 35(1) of the Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education(RTE) Act 2009 in respect of Residential schools (शुक्रवार, जुलाई 13, 2012 - 14:48) - (98.69 किलोबाइट)
Notification dated 20th June,2012 on the Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Act,2012
Notification dated 20th June,2012 on the Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Act,2012 (बुधवार, जून 20, 2012 - 15:04) - (291.89 किलोबाइट)
Notification dated 18th June,2012 granting relxation to Meghalaya and Tripura under section23(2) of the RTE Act.
Notification dated 18th June,2012 granting relxation to Meghalaya and Tripura under section23(2) of the RTE Act. (सोमवार, जून 18, 2012 - 15:09) - (3.97 मेगा बाइट)
Notification dated 18.5.2012 granting relaxation to State Government of Odisha in Teacher Qualification under Section 23(2) of the RTE Act
Notification dated 18.5.2012 granting relaxation to State Government of Odisha in Teacher Qualification under Section 23(2) of the RTE Act (शुक्रवार, मई 18, 2012 - 15:11) - (501.58 किलोबाइट)
Advisory dated 14.2.2012 on implementation of section 31 and 32 of RTE Act
Advisory dated 14.2.2012 on implementation of section 31 and 32 of RTE Act (मंगलवार, फरवरी 14, 2012 - 15:13) - (361.85 किलोबाइट)
Advisory dated 31st January,2012 on implemention of the Provisions of Sec. 29 of the Right of Children to Free and compulsory education (RTE) Act, 2009
Advisory dated 31st January,2012 on implemention of the Provisions of Sec. 29 of the Right of Children to Free and compulsory education (RTE) Act, 2009 (मंगलवार, जनवरी 31, 2012 - 15:24) - (54.53 किलोबाइट)
Sectoin -Wise Rationale/Clarification dated 31st January ,2012of the provisions of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009
Sectoin -Wise Rationale/Clarification dated 31st January ,2012of the provisions of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 (मंगलवार, जनवरी 31, 2012 - 15:16) - (112.95 किलोबाइट)