- Inclusive Education - (Girls, Differently-abled, SC/ST, etc. including KGBV)
- Vidyanjali Portal.
- Aspirational Districts.
- Finance Commission.
- Budget Announcements
- Coordination work of all UTs administration including coordination with MHA.
- Matters related to Implementation of Samagra Shiksha in UTs of Chandigarh, Delhi, Puducherry, DNH & DD, Lakshadweep, A&N Island.
- All Plans, Economic Analysis & Monitoring of resource allocation for and expenditure on Education.
- Coordination of All Portals in the Department
- NIC.
- Monitoring dashboard for the department.
- Work related to Aadhar, DBT and UIDAI
- Preparation of Inclusion report.
- Nodal officer for residual work not allotted to anyone relating to the Ministries / Department of MHA, Agriculture, & Farmers Welfare, Economic Affairs & 15th Finance Commission, NITI Aayog, Finance & Cooperation..
- Preparation of annual - lndia School Education convergence report by studying Ministries/Departments schemes & Suggesting Convergence
- Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat including Preparation of lndia report on EBSB
- Matters relating to Ease of Doing Business and reducing the burden of compliance
Office Address
107-D, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

Office Telephone
Email Address
Economic Advisor (SE&L)
Who's Who Category