With 30 crore school-age children, India's future as a global knowledge leader by the mid 2020's, is secure only when we nurture the creativity and potential of every child. The Founder Father of National Bal Bhavan Shri. Jawaharlal Nehru felt that the Bal Bhavan movement is the best national option to ensure this. He felt that the formal education system left little scope for the overall development of the child's personality. He envisioned National Bal Bhavan as a place which would fill this gap. Since 1956, Bal Bhavan have brought in children across gender class caste divides to nurture their curiosity and imagination, helping them to enjoy childhood and learn joyfully. The Bal Bhavan movement today continues to help children become future creative thinkers, designers,scientists,leaders, compassionate and responsible citizens who contribute to the society.
Roles : National Bal Bhavan has multidimensional role to play such as.
a) A Prototype children's Institute for free learning experiences
- Supplement schools system by providing children with free environment conductive to creative expression and activity.
- Helps in preparing children for vocational streams
- Provides opportunities to children to realize their hidden potential.
- Provides opportunities to researchers in areas of creativity.
- Identifies creative talent and honours them through 'The Bal Shree Scheme' in the fields of Creative Arts, Creative Performance, Creative Writing and Creative Scientific Innovation.
- The National Children's Museum of Bal Bhavan is the only Children's Museum in the country which is of a National status.
- Creates awareness through mass activities involving children and community on various issues and themes.
- Acts as an effective non-formal learning centre where philosophy of learning by doing and play way methods are adopted.
b) A Creative Resource Centre
- Provides training facility for creative education. The Integrated training programme of National Training Resource Centre imparts training in Creative Arts, Performing Art, Science Education, Physical Education and Literary appreciation. The visual art workshop provides a common platform to subject teachers, art & Craft and performing art teachers in devising innovative teaching strategies.
- Offers guidelines and learning facilities for teachers and teacher trainers for integrated learning of children.
- Helps in developing creative teaching techniques and educational kits in Arts, Science and museum techniques.
c) An Apex Body
- Works as a nodal agency for all affiliated Bal Bhavans.
- Provides guidelines, and support, know - How to affiliated State Bal Bhavan and desiring educational institutions.
- Helps in establishing new Bal Bhavans.
- Coordinates with affiliated Bal Bhavans in organizing national level workshops, seminars and conferences.
- Provides financial assistance to affiliated State Bal Bhavans for specific projects like developing science corners, science parks, astronomical units, museum corners, computer labs, adventure parks etc.
- Provides opportunities to participate in national level programs to children of all affiliated Bal Bhavans.
d) An Institution of National / International Status
- National Bal Bhavan stands as a unique, exemplary institute in the International arena of children's non-formal education institutes.
- Conducts Cultural Exchange Programmes with other countries.
- Organizes Children Assemblies, International Integration Camps, where children of other countries also participate.
For more details, click here: https://nationalbalbhavan.nic.in